Sahiwal, Punjab, Pakistan
Tehsil Municipal Administration TMA 2025 Current Job Openings
Tehsil Municipal Administration TMA job advertisements list till today 17 February 2025 taken from different newspapers or editions or directly posted by employer can be checked online. Tehsil Municipal Administration TMA few new vacancies are in city Sahiwal, Pakistan. You can view Tehsil Municipal Administration TMA February 2025 all latest job opportunities online for Punjab, Sindh, KPK, Balochistan, AJK from all major cities including Lahore, Karachi, Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Faisalabad, Multan, Hyderabad, Quetta, Faisalabad, Gujranwala, Gujrat etc.
Tehsil Municipal Administration is organized at the tehsil level and it is added with some officers like tehsil municipal officer, municipal officers and officers in the council services. The TMA has to monitor and supervise the performance of government officers and they can hold them accountable report to district government. It also make the plan for the improvement in municipal and infrastructure services, manages the development plans of public and private sector for the industry, agriculture, commerce, recreation, residence and transport. It also helps to enforce laws, rules and by-laws to ensure quality delivery of municipal services. It is duty of TMA to manage database and information system on the services and it can make access to nominal charges.
There are different activities in school, health, public services and various other services, which are undertaken by TMA and it has to supervise their pace of work and ensure their success within given time frame. TMA has the duty to prepare and present reports on the performance of municipal administration in tehsil and it is presented twice in a year. It also develops and manages the scheme with site management, with the cooperation of district government.
Government jobs cannot be applied online. You have to apply as per instructions in the relevant job advertisement taken from newspaper. All job ads are owned by respective newspapers and recruiters and just placed here for public awareness, so that everybody can apply for job no matter rich or poor. Be aware of fraud jobs and do not pay any money to any person for job at all and report us via contact us.
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Hy how are you honourable sir i hope you diong well sir my name is Hakim ali from chak jhumrah i nee
السلام علیکم سر میں ایک ڈرائیور ہوں میرا لائسنس ایل ٹی �